Wednesday, April 3, 2013

These Kids Today...

We're called the "Entitled Generation". Spoiled. Lazy. Unrealistic. Narcissistic. Seriously, Google "millennial entitlement" and see what the Wall Street Journal, CNBC and Forbes have to say about us. Even Wikipedia lists the Millennials as "Generation Me". We substitute Facebook and Skype for face-to-face interaction, we send text messages instead of phone calls and watch television instead of reading books. If we don't know something we can just Google it. I mean, who has time for real research? There are actual medical conditions now that result from the overuse of smart phones. So really, who can blame previous generations for being a little pissed at us?

We are kind of entitled. Millennials in general want maximum results with minimum effort. We want to be CEO's and drive BMW's before we're 30. How is that going to happen when we're at happy hour by 5:30? We want A-list bodies but exercise and dieting is really hard! Let's just sprinkle this magic powder on pizza and wait for the weight to just fall off and reveal a smoking hot six pack. Seriously, who falls for that crap? Just shake this 3 pound barbell for 5 minutes a day and you'll have Michelle Obama's arms in no time! Who among us even has a savings account these days? We have at least four different credit cards though! How else are we supposed to get that 50" LED and an iPhone 5? Really?! The very first iPhone was released in 2007 and there have been 6 versions in as many years! SIX! And every time a new one comes out people literally line up in the streets to beg Apple to take their money that they don't actually have. No wonder we're going to be working for China by the time we're 40.

I bitch, but I'm guilty of a little Generation Y laziness and lack of civic duty. I DVR more that 30 different shows, none of which are on CNN, and watch many of them religiously. I admit to having a slightly embarrassing amount of credit card debt that I accumulated purchasing things like a flat screen for the bedroom and an Xbox Kinect that I NEVER use unless it's to stream Netflix. I also am a little ashamed to admit that I have spent upwards of 45 minutes scrolling through Fitspo photos instead of dragging my ass to the gym. As a matter of fact, right now I am putting off taking a shower and going to the grocery store simply because I really don't feel like going anywhere today. I mean, what's so wrong with that? 

In my defense, I do work a full time job that I am very good at that has resulted in a recent and well deserved promotion. Granted, I'm no high level executive but it's a start. I have a college degree that I completed with a very high GPA before the age of 25. I am in very good shape as a result of avoiding unhealthy food most of the time) and working out more than 10 minutes at a time six times a month. I am married to a wonderful guy and we live in a fairly nice house. I haven't lived with my parents since the age of 22 which is more than I can say for a few of my friends that are disturbingly close to 30 years old. Actually, while I'm on the subject, I'd like to say a few things about these people who live with their parents and are over the age of 25. Shit, you really shouldn't be living with your parents after the age of 23 unless you're going through a divorce. 

Let me use my friend, we'll call her Ashley, as a prime example. Ashley is 29 years old. She has lived with her parents pretty much for the entirety of her 20's with maybe one or two short periods of time that she has lived with a boyfriend or a roommate. She has no college degree nor is she anywhere close to one. She has worked at least three jobs in the last year and I honestly can't remember a time that she hasn't wanted to leave her job for another one. There is not really a shred of ambition in this girl and it's really damn frustrating to watch. I love Ashley like family but she is perpetually broke despite her lack of living expenses. The last time I invited her to my house she couldn't make it because she had no gas money. I'm sorry, but there is really no excuse to be almost 30 and unable to come up with a 20-spot. I mean this with all the sisterly love in the universe, Ashley: GROW UP ALREADY!

Yeah yeah, rough economic times and all that; but come on, even waitresses can make enough money to pay a modest rent and keep some food in the fridge. Quit the shit and start pushing yourself. Let's show these previous generations that we're not lazy little brats and we can be contributing members of society. Or, ya know, keep posting the duck face selfies on Instagram and complain about being broke after day drinking on a Wednesday. Whatever.

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